So here they are. They were a free download from a super duper blogger. I will post her link in a future post only because I am writing this blog on my iPhone post.
All went well and I am super stoked because parents are using and checking our Class Dojo. I am in love again with Mojo! Here is an example yesterday I dismissed my class and her comes my fast talking twins dad. He said "twin 1 got a disrespectful on her Class Dojo!" What?you should have seen their faces. They said" Dad how did you know it is not Friday, teacher did not give us the reports." Dad" I signed up today at lunch. I guess I will be checking this at least once a week." Same face of fear, not surprisingly the twins had a much better day today. Then last night my friend whose name is a video game character and I often pronounce it as if I we were in the video game. He likes it. Well video game boy likes to leave his homework, stuff it on his desk, walk in circles so he can never find it, or my fav. The air search( you know where you look into the air and look for something that does not fly, you can even look left and right into the air and never find it) well grandma saw he had no homework and messages me on class dojo. Bam! I told her he Actually did do it in class he was clear. For today!
So, definitely check it out if you have not already. Class dojo is adding voice messaging, it is in beta now. I think that would be super cool especially for whole class message blasts. Maybe the student of the day can record the message or I can do it too.(because I really don't like the sound of my voice played back to
me) Very excited about this. So, I made it through back to school night and the week has been sucessful partly because of Class Dojo!
Happy Teaching!