Sunday, August 17, 2014

How do ribbons and robots go together?

Well, I made it through week one of my first week at my new school teaching second grade. 

Thanks to the help of my mother and brother we were able to pull together a decent looking classroom. Here is an old pic I found of my brother. Clearly, he is not this size any more or he would not have been that helpful setting up my room. He is now over 6 feet tall. My classroom library was in place in about 30 min because of my two helpers.

Now back to robots and ribbons.....Here they are.

Greeting my students and other guests at the door is this little robot guy.
My sink area was yucko and I just did not have time to jazz it up so I merged this robot and a really dreamy fairy tale mirror. The robot is from creative teaching press riveting robots collection and the mirror ikea.
Greeting us at the other door is this robot light and a picture frame with a bow. The picture frame has monthly subway art.
That is my idea is seasonal decor. Ladies I just do not have time or energy for too much more seasonal decor. I know I am a stinky grinch and I should find I way but for now this works.
We are they lions here. So,I found this 3- d lion from Darby smart to hang on my door.

Here is a tiny glimpse of the library and my math bulletin board. More robots!!!

Here are two ideas I got from pinterest and bloglovin. 1. Use clothes pins to put up student work the numbers are student numbers. 2. My mini robots are also on clothespins, hot glued to the back the I made one robot for each of the 8 mathematical practices, and turned them into compliments Ex:"Great looking for structure." The plan is to move the robot compliment clips on to the work of a student who is demonstrating that math practice. I also think it will help me figure out which practices we should focus on as a class and which we are showing strength in. 
Math wall and my Sit Spots are very much in the skeleton stage. I do have ribbons on the math wall binder bins and robot icons on the math tool boxes. 

Well, that is how robots and ribbon work together in August I am sure it will evolve as the year continues...

Happy Sunday!!!

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